Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

Use of Astrology


Use of Astrology

Use of Astrology: -

When a person faces prolonged struggles in various aspects of life, such as education, job, business, career growth, marriage, married life, childbirth, financial condition, foreign travel, health, or property construction, they may start losing hope and feeling disappointed. It is natural for individuals to experience such emotions. In some cases, individuals may even contemplate extreme measures, such as running away or considering suicide.

During such challenging times, astrology can play a role in providing guidance and insights. By analyzing the person's horoscope or birth chart, astrologers can determine the duration of their struggles and offer predictions about when the challenges are likely to come to an end. Astrology can also provide information about the potential achievements and outcomes related to the specific issue the person is facing.

Astrology serves as a tool to gain a deeper understanding of one's life circumstances and offers hope by providing insights into the future. It is important to note that astrology should be approached with an open mind and used as a means to gain perspective and make informed decisions, rather than relying solely on it to solve all problems.

The use of astrology varies among individuals and cultures. Astrology is often used as a tool for gaining insights, self-reflection, and understanding the influences of celestial bodies on human life. Here are some common uses of astrology:

(1) Self-Discovery: Astrology can provide individuals with insights into their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential life paths. It offers a framework for self-reflection and self-awareness.

(2) Life Guidance: Astrology can offer guidance and support in making decisions related to various aspects of life, including career choices, relationships, health, and personal development. It provides a different perspective and helps individuals make informed choices.

(3) Predictive Purposes: Astrology is used for making predictions about future events and trends based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth or at present. It can offer insights into potential opportunities, challenges, and timings for specific endeavors.

(4) Compatibility and Relationships: Astrology is often consulted to understand compatibility and dynamics in relationships, both personal and professional. It can provide insights into compatibility between individuals and help navigate relationship challenges.

(5) Timing and Planning: Astrology is used to determine auspicious times for important events, such as weddings, business ventures, and starting new projects. It can also provide guidance on when to take action or wait for more favorable conditions.

(6) Spiritual Growth: Astrology is sometimes used as a tool for spiritual growth and understanding one's soul's journey. It can offer insights into karmic patterns, life lessons, and spiritual development.

It's important to note that astrology should be approached with an open mind and used as a complementary tool rather than a definitive guide. Its interpretations can vary among astrologers, and individual experiences may differ.