Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

Solar Transition or Saur Sankranti
in Astrology or Jyotish

Solar Transition or Saur Sankranti in Astrology or Jyotish

Solar Transition or Saur Sankranti
in Jyotish or Astrology

Saur Sankranti or Solar Transition in Astrology or Jyotish: -

When Niryan Surya or Sidereal Sun leaves one zodiac & enter into another next zodiac it is termed as Solar Transition or Saur Sankranti. In Indian Astrology or Jyotish, Saur Sankranti generally takes place somewhere in the middle of an English Month. In Western Astrology, Sankranti takes place around the 22nd day of the previous month because Saayan Surya or Tropical Sun is taken into consideration which is moving around 24° ahead of the Sidereal Sun or Niryan Surya.

In Indian Vedic astrology, the term "solar transition" typically refers to the movement of the Sun from one zodiac sign to another. The Sun's transition occurs when it moves from one specific zodiac sign to the next, marking a shift in energy and influence. This transition is also known as the Sun's entry into a new sign.

The Sun takes approximately one month to traverse each zodiac sign, spending around 30 days in each sign. As it transitions from one sign to another, it brings a change in the dominant qualities and characteristics associated with the zodiac sign it enters.

In Vedic astrology, the Sun is considered a powerful luminary that represents the self, vitality, ego, and individuality. Its movement through the zodiac signs influences various aspects of life, including personality traits, behavior, and overall energy. The Sun's placement in a birth chart and its interactions with other planets are analyzed to understand an individual's core identity, purpose, and life path.

When the Sun transitions from one sign to another, it is believed to shift the focus of energy and bring different themes into prominence. Each zodiac sign has its own unique qualities and significations, and the Sun's transition can highlight those specific traits and themes associated with the new sign.

For example, when the Sun transitions from Aries to Taurus, there may be a shift from assertiveness, initiation, and action-oriented energy to a focus on stability, material resources, and sensual pleasures. Similarly, when the Sun transitions from Cancer to Leo, there may be a shift from emotional sensitivity and nurturing energy to self-expression, confidence, and leadership.

Astrologers and individuals often pay attention to the solar transitions as they can provide insights into the changing energies and opportunities available during a particular period. It can be a time to reflect on the qualities associated with the new zodiac sign and align one's actions and intentions accordingly.

It's worth noting that the solar transition is just one aspect of astrology, and a comprehensive understanding of an individual's birth chart involves considering the positions and interactions of all the planets at the time of birth.