Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

Dhaiya of Shani

Dhaiya of Shani

Dhaiya of Shani in Jyotish

Dhaiya of Shani (Jyotish): -

Dhaiya word is derived from 'Dhaai' or 2.5, which means a period of '2.5 years'. A person or his chandra rashi is said to be under the influence of Dhaiya if the Shani in gochar (or present tense) is transitting through either 4th or 8th zodiac from his chandra rashi. As Shani takes 2.5 years in transitting through a zodiac, this period is termed as Dhaiya of Shani.

In Indian astrology, "Dhaiya" refers to the transit of Saturn (Shani) through the 4th or 8th house from the natal Moon in an individual's birth chart. It is also known as Sade Sati or Saturn's seven and a half year cycle. Dhaiya is considered a significant phase that can have a profound impact on a person's life.

Dhaiya is divided into two parts: First Dhaiya and Second Dhaiya. Here is an overview of each phase:

First Dhaiya: During the First Dhaiya, Saturn transits through the 4th house from the natal Moon. This phase lasts approximately two and a half years. It is believed to bring challenges, changes, and a sense of introspection in one's personal and domestic life. It can be a period of testing, where individuals may experience emotional fluctuations, obstacles, or responsibilities related to home, family, and emotional well-being.

Second Dhaiya: After the completion of the First Dhaiya, Saturn moves into the 8th house from the natal Moon, marking the beginning of the Second Dhaiya. This phase also lasts around two and a half years. The Second Dhaiya is considered more intense and challenging compared to the First Dhaiya. It can bring profound transformation, deep introspection, and tests related to life's changes, shared resources, inheritance, and hidden matters.

The impact of Dhaiya can vary depending on the overall strength and placement of Saturn in an individual's birth chart, as well as other astrological factors. It is believed that the effects of Dhaiya can manifest differently for different individuals, depending on their karmic patterns and life circumstances.

During Dhaiya, individuals may experience significant changes, ups and downs, and the need for patience, perseverance, and self-reflection. However, it's important to note that not all individuals experience negative effects during Dhaiya, as Saturn's influence can also bring discipline, growth, and maturity.

Consulting with an experienced astrologer can provide a more personalized analysis of Dhaiya in your birth chart and help you navigate through the challenges and opportunities presented by this transit phase. They can offer guidance and remedies to mitigate potential difficulties and make the most of the transformative energy of Saturn.