Dr.A.S.Kalra Astrologer

Chandra Kundli in Astrology /
Chandra Kundli in Jyotish


Chandra Kundli in Jyotish / Chandra Kundli in Astrology

Chandra Kundli in Astrology or Jyotish: -

Chandra Kundli or Moon chart in Astrology or Jyotish is derived from Lagna Kundli or Birth Chart by placing the Moon in the lagna of a blank kundli & then writing its zodiac (through which it is seen to be transitting in the lagna kundli) in the lagna. Other houses are then filled after seeing the lagna kundli. In actual, chandra kundli is a different representation of lagna kundli only. In both, lagna and chandra kundlis, planets are present in the same zodiacs.

In Indian astrology, Chandra Kundli, also known as the Moon chart or Lunar chart, is a specific type of chart that is constructed based on the placement of the Moon at the time of an individual's birth. It is an alternative chart used to gain additional insights into a person's emotional nature, subconscious mind, and overall psychological makeup.

While the most commonly used chart in astrology is the birth chart or Janam Kundli, which is based on the positions of all the planets at the time of birth, the Chandra Kundli focuses primarily on the Moon's placement and its significance.

Here are some key points regarding Chandra Kundli:

Moon as the Central Focus: The Moon is considered the central point in the Chandra Kundli, and its position becomes the Ascendant or the first house of the chart. The other houses and planets are placed relative to the Moon's position.

Emotional Nature and Inner Self: Since the Moon represents one's emotions, instincts, subconscious mind, and inner self, the Chandra Kundli provides insights into these aspects of a person's life. It can reveal one's emotional nature, instincts, nurturing qualities, relationship with the mother, and overall psychological tendencies.

Relationship with the Feminine: The Chandra Kundli can provide indications about an individual's relationship with the feminine, including their mother, family, and women in general. It can shed light on one's receptivity, sensitivity, and nurturing capacity.

Intuition and Imagination: The Moon is associated with intuition, imagination, and creativity. The Chandra Kundli can give insights into an individual's intuitive abilities, imaginative faculties, and potential for creative expression.

Psychological Well-being: The Chandra Kundli is used to gain insights into an individual's psychological well-being and overall emotional balance. It can provide indications about an individual's emotional strengths and vulnerabilities, as well as their patterns of behavior and responses to different life situations.

Similar to the Surya Kundli, the Chandra Kundli is not as widely used as the traditional birth chart but can offer additional perspectives and insights into one's emotional nature and psychological makeup. Consulting with an experienced astrologer who is well-versed in interpreting Chandra Kundli can provide a more detailed analysis and guidance based on this specific chart.

Chandra Kundli in Astrology or Jyotish